
Current domain auctions

Warning: Start of the day procedures takes place between 0:00 and 1:00 am EEST. During that time we close auctioned from previous day and start auctions of the new day. The list of auctions may not be complete during that time. You can order full daily auction list to your email by checking the "Send daily summary to email" option under your auction user profile

Submit an offer

Submit an offer to the .ee domain of your choice. Depending on the domain name, the auctions take place either in the style of a blind auction or an open-bid (English) auction.

Wait for an auction to end

We will let you know about the result by email. The preferential right to register the domain name will be granted to the highest bidder.

Pay the auction fee

Once the auction fee is paid, you will receive a registration code that you can use at any accredited .ee registrar.
english auction
blind auction
Ended auctions